This information will be used for phone directory services (white pages), unless you disable this under “Services” on “My Pages”. Please contact our customer service if you need help.
Phone numbers are provided based on the postal code (zip code) entered here. Calls to emergency numbers will also be routed based on your postal code.
Please make sure the e-mail address you enter is valid and correct. We will send your username and password, as well as other important information, to this address.
Because of the paper invoice fee of CHF 2.50 per invoice, we do not recommend this solution. We urge you to opt for electronic invoices for the sake of the environment.
Please verify that you have a minimum of 500 Kbit/s of available bandwidth, which is required for Telio Video Telephony to work properly. Check your bandwidth here to be sure of your connection speed.
If a friend recommended Telio to you, you must enter your friend’s Telio phone number here for automatic registration of the referral bonus.
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